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Run the Clients

You are now ready to access your deployed service interface from your generated clients.

Note: Before running a client, be sure that the IMSDEMO enterprise server is started.

Run the Windows Forms Client

  1. From the Solution Explorer, right-click IMSScreenWSWinApp; then click Set as Startup Project.
  2. From the Enterprise Developer main menu, click Debug > Start Without Debugging.

    Enterprise Developer automatically checks the build status of the project and builds or rebuilds it as necessary before starting the client.

  3. When the client appears, resize it so you can see all of the controls on the UI.
  4. In the TableID field, type TESTERS; then click Submit.

    The client returns the data contained in the TESTERS table of your database.

  5. Click Exit to close the client.

Run the Console Client

  1. From the Solution Explorer, right-click IMSScreenWSClientApp; then click Set as Startup Project.
  2. From the Enterprise Developer main menu, click Debug > Start Without Debugging.

    Enterprise Developer automatically checks the build status of the project and builds or rebuilds it as necessary before starting the client.

  3. When the client appears, press Enter until the TableID field is presented.
  4. In the TableID field, enter TESTDEPT.

    The client returns the data contained in the TESTDEPT table of your database.

  5. Press Enter to close the client.

This concludes the IMTK IMS Screen tutorial.

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