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Operation Properties - CICS Web Services - General tab

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.

The CICS Web Services feature is EAP for development and testing usage. It should not be used for production deployment in this product release.

The name of the operation.
Select program/copybook
Lists the CICS programs and copybooks in the project.
Select input data area (parameters shown at right)
Lists the available data areas for the selected program or copybook, and lists the parameters for the selected data area.
Create Default Mappings
Automatically map all input data area fields to interface fields. Available for new operations only.
Select output data area (parameters shown at right)
Lists the available data areas for the selected program or copybook, and lists the parameters for the selected data area.
Create Default Mappings
Automatically map all output data area fields to interface fields. Available for new operations only.
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