The HCOSS toolset includes:
- Manage Connections Tool
- Enables you to connect to both your mainframe's DB2 database and a SQL Server database running locally or remotely on a local area network.
- Database Migration Tools
- Extract Schema
- Downloads the DB2 database schema objects and creates an XML schema file representing the schema structure.
- Assess Data Migration
- Produces an editable report of the information in your extracted schema.
- Define Lists
- Reads the XML schema file created using the Extract Schema tool and enables you to create a list of database objects to transfer to the SQL Server database.
- Generate DDL
- Reads both the XML schema file and the list of selected database objects and translates the information into a SQL Server DDL script.
- Transfer Data
- Builds and executes an SSIS package to move each specified database object to your SQL Server database.
- Compare Data
- Verifies the validity of newly imported data by comparing it with the original data.
- Application Migration Tools
- Assess Application Migration
- Analyzes the EXEC SQL statements in your DB2 program and copybook code and flags statements that could potentially cause problems when migrating to SQL Server in different migration scenarios, with and without using HCOSS.
- Manage Packages and Plans
- Create and edit scripts that enable you to bind DBRM members, packages, and plans to your COBOL programs, and to free packages and plans.
- Generate SPD File
- Enables you to generate stored procedure definition (SPD) files from extracted DB2 schema. You can use a generated SPD file to generate a COBOL wrapper.
- Application Database support
- HCOSS also provides SQL Server functions and meta-data tables to support mainframe emulation in a SQL Server database. For more information, see
Application Database Support.
- Customization Tools
- Customize Type Mappings
- View or change the default type mappings for your SQL database.
- Customize SQL Name Mappings
- View or change default SQL name mappings, or define additional SQL name mappings.
- Customize SQLCode Mappings
- View or change the default OpenESQL SQLCodes and their DB2 SQLCode and DB2 SQLState equivalents that are stored in your SQL database.