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Bookmarking Segment Occurrences

You can bookmark a segment occurrence so that you can return to it later during the current editing session or during a later editing session.
Note: Bookmarks can be applied only to segment occurrences that have a unique concatenated key.

Bookmarking options

Bookmarking options are:
  • Add
    Note: You cannot add a bookmark while the Browse window is open.
  • Retrieve, either from the current bookmark list file or a different bookmark list file
  • Save, either to the current bookmark list file or a different bookmark list file
  • Delete

Bookmark list file

When you create a bookmark, the IMS Database Editor stores the name, segment occurrence, and a description in a bookmark list. Between editing sessions, the bookmark list is automatically stored in a bookmark file in the folder containing the database you are editing. The bookmark file name has a .bmf extension, and the prefix depends on the type of database:
Type of Database Bookmark List Filename
Physical database The name of the DBD
Logical database The name of the PSB immediately followed by n, where n is the PCB number
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