Specifies the name of the DCAS listener this TN3270 listener should use.
None. A search is performed to find a DCAS listener.
For ELF log on, the TN3270 listener must communicate with a DCAS listener. If this setting is not provided, the TN3270 listener searches for the first DCAS endpoint defined in the current Communications Processes and uses that. If there are multiple DCAS listeners with different configurations, set this configuration option to make the TN3270 listener communicates with the listener specified.
For ELF log on, the TN3270 listener must communicate with a DCAS listener. If this setting is not provided, the TN3270 listener searches for the first DCAS endpoint defined in the current Communications Processes and uses that. If there are multiple DCAS listeners with different configurations, set this configuration option to make the TN3270 listener communicates with the listener specified.