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Resource Access Control Lists

Each protected resource has one or more ACLs associated with it, either specifically for that resource, or through a wildcard resource object that matches the resource's name. Each ACL, in turn, has one or more ACEs. Each ACE specifies an actor, which is a user, a wildcard pattern for users, or a group, and one or more permissions that are granted (allow) or denied (deny) to that actor.

An ACE (Access Control Entry) is an entry in an ACL (Access Control List), which can have zero or more entries. In our schema, an ACL is the multi-valued attribute "microfocus-MFDS-Resource-ACE"; each value is a separate ACE. (Don't confuse these ACEs with the ACEEs used by ESF - they're completely different things.)

The general ACE format is:



setting is allow or deny
actor is the name of a user, a pattern with one or more wildcards (see Wildcards) that will be matched against the user's name, or a group name or wildcard pattern followed by a space and the word group (eg "ADMIN group")
action-1 through action-n are permission tokens:
  • none
  • execute
  • read
  • update
  • add
  • delete
  • control
  • alter
  • all

MTO resources (transactions, programs, datasets, etc) will typically only have one action per ACE. With the mainframe-style permissions used in MTO, there's no point in specifying multiple actions, since only the highest action applies. For the "extended" or "independent" permissions used for MFDS resources (server definitions and administrative controls) it's often useful to specify multiple actions in an ACE.

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