On an XA call failure a message is displayed in the log containing :
111012 14063540 1924 XATEST CASXO0004S Resource Manager for resource DB7R Transaction end failed: reason -00007, XID: MF_CASDEMOXATEST 000012000000000000000001000001 14:06:35 The XA End call for resources DB7R failed with return code -00007includes the following information:
Refer to the specific database documentation for recommendations on the action to take when transactions might have failed.
The XID transaction identifier consists of the following parts:
Element | Length | Description |
xid-id | 6 char | Constant "MF_CAS" |
xid-sysid | 4 char | SYSID of your region |
xid-applid | 8 char | APPLID of the region |
xid-start-number | 9 numeric | Region instance number |
xid-start-time | 8 numeric | Region instance start time |
xid-mgr-id | 5 numeric | XA resource manager entry number |
xid-tran-no | 9 numeric | Task number |
xid-branch-no | 5 numeric | Branch number |
MF_CASCICSPLA01BAD000000002000551730000100000002300001is made up of the following:
If you have enabled resource manager interface or exit traces, or if an XA call fails (in which case traces are unconditionally written) you can trace XA calls. For example:
Succesful START call uExit(NJFXA1..) 288 61 11100 40 e90181 9171356 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfheserv(dfhcpuex) XA(start) 290 61 11100 6d 6d0183 9171356 <XA-- STRT> 58412d2d 53545254 SEP dfhexa() XA-ID(NJFXA1..) 291 61 11100 6d 6d0282 9171356 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfhexa() XA-StartT( 61 )Br( 1 ) 292 61 11100 6d 6da081 9171356 <...= ....> 0000003d 00000001 SEP dfhexa() XA-Start( 0 ) 293 61 11100 6d 6d1182 9171356 <XSTR ....> 58535452 00000000 SEP dfhexa() XA-Return( 0 ) 294 61 11100 6d 6d0384 9171356 <XARC ....> 58415243 00000000 SEP dfhexa()
uExit(NJFXA1..) 120 57 11100 40 e90181 9165273 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfheserv(dfhcpuex) XA(T-Sync) 122 57 11100 6d 6d0183 9165273 <XA-T SYNC> 58412d54 53594e43 SEP dfhexa() XA-ID(NJFXA1..) 123 57 11100 6d 6d0282 9165273 <NJFX A1..> 4e4a4658 41310000 SEP dfhexa() XA-CommitRC( 4 ) 124 57 11100 6d 6d5082 9165273 <XCOM ....> 58434f4d 00000004 SEP dfhexa() XA-CommitRC( 4 ) 125 57 11100 6d 6d52f9 9165273 <COMM ....> 434f4d4d 00000004 SEP dfhexa() XA-Return( 1 ) 130 57 11100 6d 6d0384 9165313 <XARC ....> 58415243 00000001 SEP dfhexa() XA-StartT( 61 )Br( 1 ) 292 61 11100 6d 6da081 9171356 <...= ....> 0000003d 00000001 SEP dfhexa()
The XID for the failing transaction is MF_CASDEMOCICS-FS 00006 0000000000000000001000001.