COBRT065 File locked (Recoverable)
You have tried to open a file which has already been locked, or opened for output by another user. Alternatively, you have tried to lock or open for output a file which another user already has open.
COBRT070 Too many indexed files open (Recoverable)
You are trying to open an indexed file but you have already exhausted the system limit which specifies how many of these files can be opened at any one time.
COBRT075 Indexed data file name too long (Fatal)
When creating indexed files, the extension .idx is added to the user-defined filename, so your filename must not exceed x-4 characters in length, where x is the maximum length of filename.
COBRT076 Can't create lock file in /isam directory (Fatal)
For some reason your system is unable to create a lock file in the /isam directory. One reason for this could be that in its previous run your program terminated abnormally (perhaps due to a power failure) leaving some files locked.