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mbdtconfig command

Runs the command-line version of the MBDT Configuration Utility.
Important: You must run this command from a 32-bit or a 64-bit Enterprise Developer command prompt. For instructions, see To start an Enterprise Developer command prompt.


mbdtconfig -t {{H[COSS] | A[gnostic]} | -s size={0 | n}}


Sets the database type.
Indicates a SQL Server database in which CREATE SCHEMA object statements are z/OS DB2 statements.
Indicates a SQL Server, DB2 LUW, Oracle, or PostgreSQL database in which CREATE SCHEMA object statements are specific to the DBMS vendor specifications. This option does not support mainframe DB2 DDL. Default.
Sets the commit behavior.
Set this to zero (0) to issue a single commit after all records have been loaded. Default.

Provide a number, represented here as n, to indicate multiple commits, each after n rows have been processed.

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