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Generate Web Service dialog box

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.

The CICS Web Services feature is EAP for development and testing usage. It should not be used for production deployment in this product release.

From group
WSDL only. The name of the WSDL file that describes the CICS application.
(For request)
JSON only. The name of the JSON schema file that contains the input data area, or the name of the RESTful JSON schema file.
(For response)
JSON only. The name of the JSON schema file that contains the output data area or, if using a RESTful JSON schema, <None>.
Generate group
Generate a service interface file and skeleton program only. Also enables the Name field below.
Service Name
The name of the generated service interface file. The default is the name of the WSDL or request JSON file selected. Available only when Service is selected.
Generate a complete COBOL console client application and other client application types based on settings in Service Interface Options. See To set client generation options for more information.
Program group
Program Name
The name of the generated COBOL program file without the file extension.
Default string length
The default string length in the generated service or client.
Inline array size limit
The maximum size an array can be before it is replaced with a container mapping in the generated service or client. A value of 0 disables the generation of container mappings. Available only when CICS is checked.
Default array size
The default size for unbounded arrays in the generated service or client. Available only when Inline array size limit is 0.
Specifies the generation of a CICS Web service.
Type group
Generate a skeleton CICS program with a COMMAREA program interface. Available only when CICS is checked, and Service is selected.
Generate a skeleton CICS program that uses a Channel program interface. Available only when CICS is checked.
Container name
The name of the Channel container. Available only when CICS is checked, and both Service and Channel are selected.
A name for the Web service as it is called from the generated CICS program using EXEC CICS INVOKE WEBSERVICE. Available only for WSDL, and when Client is selected, and CICS is checked.
The CCSID to use at run time for encoding character data in the generated application data structure. If left blank, the CCSID specified in the CICS SIT of the associated enterprise server region is used by default. Available only when Client is selected and CICS is checked.
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