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Import the RM/Panels Source Code

Import the required source files into the project.
  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click Program1.cbl, select Delete, then click OK to confirm deletion. This is a default file that Visual Studio creates, but it is not required for the tutorial.
  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and select Add > Existing Item.
  3. Browse to the location that you downloaded the source to, select the following files, then click Add.
    • qdemo.cbl: Main COBOL program file
    • custinfo.prc: Procedural code for the custinfo panel
    • Data for the custinfo panel
    • message.prc: Procedural code for the message panel
    • Data for the message panel
    • Control data for RM/Panels
    • qdemo.lib: RM/Panels library file
    • ADISCTRL: The ADIS configuration file for ACCEPT/DISPLAY statements.
    Note: If the files are not displayed, to the right of the File name field, change the file type filter to display All Files (*.*).

    The files are added to the project, and is displayed in the Solution Explorer.

    Tip: You can drag the files into the project from Windows Explorer, and drop them on the project name to add them directly to the project.
  4. Click File > Save All to save the project.
The next task is to add some configuration files to the project.
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