Micro FocusĀ Enterprise DeveloperĀ 3.0 for Visual Studio 2013
Configuration and Administration
Enterprise Server Reference
Error Messages
Enterprise Server Error Messages
CASRA Error Messages
CASRA0020 - CASRA0039
CASRA0020 - CASRA0039
CASRA0020E Remote System ID must not be specified if a file path present
The remote system ID field is not required if a file path is specified.
CASRA0021E Remote System ID not required if a file name override specified
The file name override field is not required if a remote system ID is present.
CASRA0022E Remote System ID not required if a file extension is specified
The file extension field is not required if a remote system ID is present.
CASRA0023E File format is fixed but the min and max rec lengths are not equal
If the file format is specified as fixed then the minimum and maximum record lengths must be equal.
CASRA0024E Split key flag set to yes but no split keys defined
The split key flag has been set to yes but no split key length and positions have been specified.
CASRA0025E Duplicate keys not allowed when file type set to KSDS
The duplicate key flag must be set to no when the file type is KSDS.
CASRA0026E Terminal specified when the Queue type is not intra-partition
A terminal can only be associated with an intra-partition transient data queue.
CASRA0027E Transaction specified when the Queue type is not intra-partition
A transaction can only be associated with an intra-partition transient data queue.
CASRA0028E Indirect name specified when Queue type is not indirect
An indirect destination can only be specified for an indirect transient data queue.
CASRA0029E Trigger level specified for an indirect or extra-partition queue
A trigger level can only be specified for an intrapartition transient data queue.
CASRA0030E Maximum record length specified for indirect or intra-partition queue
Maximum record length is only required with an extrapartition transient data queue.
CASRA0031E Minimum record length specified for indirect or intra-partition queue
Minimum record length is only required with an extrapartition transient data queue.
CASRA0032E Minimum record length greater than the maximum record length
The maximum record length must be equal to or greater than the minimum record length.
CASRA0033E File name specified for an indirect or intra-partition queue
A file name can only be specified for an extra-partition transient data queue.
CASRA0034E File path specified for an indirect or intra-partition queue
A file path can only be specified for an extra-partition transient data queue.
CASRA0035E File extension specified for an indirect or intra-partition queue
A file extension can only be specified for an extra-partition transient data queue.
CASRA0036E Storage cushion exceeds half the shared pages value.
Less than half the number shared pages should be allocated to the storage cushion.
CASRA0037E Remote data ID specified but no remote system ID specified
If a remote data ID is specified then a remote system ID must be specified.
CASRA0038E No extended data stream specified but highlight or color specified
If highlight and/or color are specified the extended data stream flag must be set to yes.
CASRA0039E Remote system ID specified but no remote terminal ID specified
If a remote system ID is specified then a remote terminal ID must be specified.
Parent topic:
CASRA Error Messages