Some features in earlier
Micro Focus products are not available in
Enterprise Developer. However there are alternative techniques for many of these features.
CBL2XML Utility The CBL2XML utility is currently available as a command line tool only.
DBMS Preprocessors Earlier Micro Focus products supported DBMS preprocessor versions that are not supported in Enterprise Developer. For a list of currently supported DBMS preprocessors, see the Database Access Support with Native COBOL and Database Access Support with .NET COBOL topics in your Enterprise Developer documentation.
Form Designer Form Designer is the Net Express tool for creating user interfaces for CGI-based Internet and intranet applications. Form Designer and the HTML page wizard are not available in Enterprise Developer.
Host Compatibility Option (HCO) Mainframe Express provided a user interface for the Host Compatibility Option (HCO) feature. This user interface is not available in Enterprise Developer; however the HCO Create Database, DDL Processor, DCLGEN, Export Data, and Import Data tools are available via batch command line invocation.
INTLEVEL Support The INTLEVEL directive is rejected by the Compiler in Enterprise Developer.
NSAPI There is no support for NSAPI in Enterprise Developer.
Online Help System Net Express provided the Online Help System for creating online help from character-based applications, and displaying it on screen. It is not available in Enterprise Developer and the Online Help System information file type (.HNF) is not supported.
OpenESQL In both Net Express and Studio Enterprise Edition, support is provided for Oracle OCI in OpenESQL. Enterprise Developer does not support Oracle OCI in OpenESQL.
SQL Option for DB2 In the Mainframe Express and Net Express IDEs, you could invoke SQL Option for DB2 from the main menu within the IDE. For Enterprise Developer, SQL Option for DB2 is not available from the main menu in the IDE. Instead, all SQL Option for DB2 tools are available from Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer > Data Tools > SQL Option for DB2.