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Server-to-server Connectivity

The server-to-server connectivity capability provided with the XDB Server allows a client accessing one XDB Server to actually access the data in a location controlled by another XDB Server in a distributed environment. Server-to-server connectivity extends the concepts of remote unit of work (RUW) and distributed unit of work (DUW) to encompass data controlled by multiple XDB Servers.Location access can be done in two ways: either by using a three-part name (location.authid.object) or alias; or by using the SET LOCATION command or embedded CONNECT command. Server-to-server connectivity removes the need to have to change the client settings to access another remote XDB Server.To allow access to a remote location, you must maintain the system tables to reflect known locations and server names.Throughout the XDB Server documentation, the term primary server is used to refer to the XDB Server to which the user is connected. The term remote server is the XDB Server elsewhere on the LAN that controls the location the user wishes to access.Whether three-part names or connect access is used, information about remote locations must be registered with the XDB Server to which you are currently connected. This is done by inserting information into tables in the system catalog. The system tables that must be updated, as well as sample entries, are listed in each section.Because the information is registered in the system catalog tables, the user does not have to know which XDB Server controls which location. You simply need to know the name of the location to be accessed.

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