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Positioning Indexes

An XDB index can be stored on a physical device different from the device where its related tables are stored by using an environment variable and an extension to the VCAT parameter of the CREATE INDEX command.

For example:

  1. Enter the environment variable XDB_index-name_location-name in the computer's configuration file to specify a drive and path. You can create one or more index paths, such as:
    SET XDB_customerindex_location1= d:\indexes\customer
    SET XDB_ordersindex_location1= d:\indexes\orders
  2. Reboot.
  3. Create the indexes with the VCAT NAME parameter, as follows:
    CREATE INDEX customerindex ON customer(c_no) 
    CREATE INDEX ordersindex ON orders(o_no) 

    The VCAT NAME option causes the XDB Server to check the environment variable for the drive and path to use when creating the index. XDB index files are placed on the path associated with the environment variable for that particular index.

To move an index to a different device, simply copy the *.idx and *.ptr files to the desired drive and path, and change the path specification in the XDB_index-name_location-name or the XDBIDX_location-name environment variable. If the index path is not specified in an environment variable, then the index files must be in the same path as the related table.

See the CREATE INDEX command in the SQL Reference for more information about VCAT NAME and VCAT PATH. See the chapter Environment Variables for more information about the index environment variables.

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