Assign system administration activities and responsibilities to others, depending upon the size and complexity of your installation. With the exception of the special super user privilege set, all authorities are effective only within the location where they are defined.
Suggested responsibilities include:
- Super User.
A special set of XDB Server privileges that can be assigned to one or more system users. This privilege set is assigned automatically to the INSTALL AuthID during installation. Super user authority allows access to all functions on the system. Only the super user can create locations, drop locations and edit system tables.
- System Administrator (SYSADM).
A user who has access to almost all functions within the defined location, including the authority to grant and revoke privileges for other users in that location, but excluding the special super user privileges defined above.
- System Control (SYSCTRL).
A user whose privileges apply only to the location in which SYSCTRL is granted. These privileges include almost all privileges except access to user data.
- Database Administrator (DBADM).
A user who has all database-level privileges but only for a specified database.
- Database Control (DBCTRL).
A user who can use DROP on one specified database, and whose privileges include DBMAINT privileges.
- Database Maintenance (DBMAINT).
A user who can use CREATAB, CREATETS, STARTDB, AND STOPDB for one specified database.
With the exception of super user, any of these suggested responsibility levels can be granted by using the appropriate authority (DBADM, SYSCTRL, etc.) on the GRANT command. See the chapter
Security and Authority for more information about security, including use of the GRANT and REVOKE commands.