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Open PL/I DB2 SQL Sample 1 Program

filename: sample1.sqp

sample1: proc options(main);

/*                                                  */
/* This program shows the usage of host-variables,  */ 
/* indicators, and some common SQL statements       */

/* The database this program uses is the IBMSAMPL   */ 
/* database that your DB2 product uses. You must be */
/* able to run the IBM DB2 demo sample program in   */ 
/* order to be able to run this program.            */
/*                                                  */

dcl idx fixed bin(15);
dcl errmsg character(200); 
dcl msg_len fixed bin(15);

exec sql include sqlca;

exec sql begin declare section;
   dcl cnt fixed bin(15); 
   dcl projno char(6);
   dcl projname char(24) varying;
   dcl deptno char(6);  
   dcl respemp char(6);

   dcl prstaff float bin(24);
   dcl prstaff_ind fixed bin(15);

   dcl prstdate char(10);
   dcl prstdate_ind fixed bin(15);

   dcl prendate char(10);
   dcl prendate_ind fixed bin(15);

   dcl majproj char(6);
   dcl majproj_ind fixed bin(15); 
exec sql end declare section;

/* Set up error label for all SQL statements. */ 
exec sql whenever sqlerror goto err_label;

/* Connect to the IBM DB2 sample demo data base */ 
exec sql connect to IBMSAMPL;

/* Determine how many rows are in table project. */ 
exec SQL SELECT COUNT(*) INTO :cnt from project;

put skip edit('Number of rows in table project:', cnt) (a(40),x,f(3,0)); 
put skip list('All the rows for project are:');
put skip;

/* Declare and use a cursor to fetch each row. */ 
exec sql declare cl cursor for
  select projno, projname, deptno, respemp, prstaff, 
         prstdate, prendate, majproj
  from project;

exec sql open cl;
do idx = 1 to cnt;
   prstaff = 0;       /* re-init */
   prstdate = ' ';    /* re-init */
   prendate = ' ';    /* re-init */
   majproj = ' ';     /* re-init */
   exec sql fetch cl into :projno, 
                          :prstaff  :prstaff_ind,
                          :prstdate :prstdate_ind,
                          :prendate :prendate_ind,
                          :majproj  :majproj_ind;
   put edit (projno, projname, deptno, respemp, prstaff, prstdate,
             prendate, majproj)
   put skip;


   msg_len = sqldb2err(200,0,sqlca,errmsg);
   put skip list(substr(errmsg,1,msg_len));

end sample1;
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