There may be times when you need, or want, to examine the GTF trace data. In this case, the raw data collected by GTF needs to be processed by a formatting program such as IBM's Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS). You can run IPCS either using a TSO command under ISPF or as a batch job. To run IPCS you need an IPCS dump directory VSAM data set. If you do not already have a dump directory, you can allocate one using a job similar to the following.
//jobname JOB (accounting),'name',CLASS=?,MSGCLASS=?,NOTIFY=userid //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* Allocate an IPCS dump directory VSAM data set //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //IDCAMS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* DELETE <hlq>.DIR DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(<hlq>.DIR) - SHAREOPTIONS(1) - RECSZ(256 3072) - KEYS(128 0) - VOLUMES(volser) INDEX (NAME(<hlq>.DIRINDEX) - TRK(15 5)) - DATA (NAME(<hlq>.DIRDATA) - CYLINDERS(5 1) - CISZ(X'1000'))
This example JCL runs IPCS to print all 'FEF' and 'FF1' records from the GTF trace data set.
//jobname JOB (accounting),'name',CLASS=?,MSGCLASS=?,NOTIFY=userid //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* Run IPCS batch to print GTF trace records //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //IPCSBAT EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20,REGION=0M //IPCSDDIR DD DSN=<hlq>.DIR,DISP=SHR //IPCSPRNT DD SYSOUT=* //TRACE DD DSN=<hlq>.TRACE,DISP=SHR //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * IPCS NOPARM DROPDUMP DDNAME(TRACE) SETDEF DDNAME(TRACE) NOCONFIRM GTFTRACE DDNAME(TRACE),USR(FEF,FF1),TERMINAL,NOPRINT END