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MFA Direct Messages

MFA0101I LOGON USER=userid TIME=hhmm DAY=nnn ID=nnnnnnn VER=nn

This information message indicates the time and date that a user session was established with the MFA Direct component. The time is specified using 24-hour clock notation, and the day is the day of the year. The ID represents the relative session number so as to differentiate when the same user has logged on multiple times.

MFA0102I LOGOFF USER=userid ID=nnnnnnn

A user has logged off the system. This message is added to both the MFALOG and the SYSLOG.

MFA0103I AUTH FAIL USER=userid RC=rc RACF=rr/ss

A user logon failed to pass security authorization. The reason codes are tabulated below. MFA also inserts a logon failure message into the AUDIT log. Similarly, an IBM system diagnostic (RACF) may be added to the SYSLOG

RC RACF Description
04 04/00 No decision made
  04/04 No RACF profile found
  04/08 Request failed
08 08/00 Not authorized to logon
MFA0105I {AUTH or FAIL} USER=userid INTENT=action AM=method DSN=dsname
action is READ, WRITE or ALTER
method is QSAM, BPAM, VSAM, LIBR, PANV, IMS or DB2
dsname is the file being accessed

The results of a user access attempt are logged in the MFALOG. This provides an audit trail of the individual file accesses processed by MFA Direct. The information is only accumulated for those systems configured with the parameter: MFA_SAF_HISTORY=YES


MFA Direct has been scheduled with an invalid request. The request will not be serviced. This represents an internal protocol error by MFA. Please contact Micro Focus support if the problem persists.

MFA0112E MFA MCB Environment failure

MFA Direct is unable to initialize a new thread due to an unexpected environmental error. The new thread is rejected. Please contact Micro Focus support to report the problem.

MFA0113E MFA TSA already in use

An MFA thread has been unexpectedly re-dispatched while it is still processing a prior request. The new request is rejected. Please contact Micro Focus support to report the problem.


A request using the JES Sysout API to retrieve a held file from JES spool has failed. Return codes and reason codes are documented in the IBM publication: Using the Subsystem Inferface (SC28-1879) A partial list is provided below:

RC Reason Description
08   Invalid search argument(s)
12   Unable to process now
16   Duplicate job name
20   Invalid destination
32   Logic error
  32 Conflicting arguments
  36 Invalid destination arguments
  40 Invalid job number
  44 Invalid form
  96 SAPI request header error
36   Invalid CLASS
40   Invalid disposition options

A request to submit a job to the JES internal reader has failed. The action is aborted. There may be an associated IBM system diagnostic on the SYSLOG indicating the nature of the failure.


A request using the JES Subsystem interface has failed. The only functions issued by MFA are FUNC=79 (SYSOUT API) or FUNC=80 (Extended Status API). Return codes and reason codes are described in the IBM publication: Using the Subsystem Interface (SC28-1879) A partial list is provided below:

RC Description
04 Function not supported
08 JES not available
12 JES does not exist
16 Fatal error
20 Logic error
24 SSI not initialized

A request using the JES Extended Status API to acquire details of the next held output on JES spool has failed. Return codes and reason codes are documented in the IBM publication: Using the Subsystem Interface (SC28-1879) A partial list is provided below:

RC Reason Description
04   Invalid search argument(s)
08   Logic error
  04 Invalid destination
  08 Job ID low invalid
  0C Job ID high invalid
  10 Job ID high too low
  14 Invalid Job class
  20 Unable to access Job queue
  24 Invalid control structure
  28 Invalid length
  2C Invalid job name
  30 Invalid user name
  34 Invalid system name
MFA1034I CSI CATALOG ERROR nn RC=nnn REASON=nnn (ID) filter

An error occurred within the Catalog Search Interface as provided by IBM as part of the DF/SMS z/OS middleware. The ID represents an internal IBM software module ID, and the filter is the Catalog Search argument derived from the client input. The return codes are described in the IBM publication DF/SMS Managing Catalogs (SC26-7401), but a partial list is shown below. Most other return codes and reason codes are documented as part of IBM System Message IDC3009I and can also be found using the IBM Web Service LOOKAT.

RC REASON Description
100 04 Access error on catalog
122 04 Invalid filter key
MFA1035I CATALOG ERROR RC=nnn VOL=volid DSN=dsname

An error occurred attempting to OBTAIN a catlog record for the specified dsname on the specified volume ID. The dsname may no longer be catalogued on that volume, and MFA is unable to determine the file attributes. It is possible that the volume is simply not mounted, or is no longer in active service. This file will be ignored and processing will continue. The return codes are described in the IBM publication DFSMSdfp Advanced Services (SC26-7400)

RC Description
04 Volume not mounted
08 The format-1 DSCB was not found in the VTOC of the specified volume
12 A permanent I/O error was encountered reading the VTOC of the specified volume
16 An invalid workarea pointer was encountered

An error occurred attempting to use the CSI interface to identify the VSAM attributes of the specified dataset. This file will be ignored and processing continues. The return codes are as described for message MFA1034I.


An error occurred attempting to use the CSI interface to identify the file attributes of the specified generation data group. This file will be ignored and processing continues. The return codes are as described for message MFA1034I.


An internal CA/Librarian error occurred while processing the FAIR API request identified as: aaaa={OPN or LOC or MOD or REC or CLS} The return codes are described in the CA licensed documentation CA/Librarian File Access Interface Routines Guide. A partial list is provided below:

REQ RC Description
OPN 1 Invalid filename or unauthorized
  2 DDname missing
  8 Invalid parameter
  9 Not enough storage to process
LOC 1 Required module not found
  2 Caller not authorized for request
  6 Disk access failure
  7 Format error on access
  8 Invalid parameter
  9 Not enough storage to process
MOD 1 No modules found
  2 Caller not authorized for request
  3 Module not archived
  6 Disk access failure
  7 Format error on access
  8 Invalid parameter
  9 Virtual storage shortfall
REC 1 End of module
  6 Disk access error
  7 Format error on access
  8 Invalid parameter
  9 Virtual storage shortfall
CLS 81 Close failed

The system was unable to open a temporary work file for use with the batch update utility AFOLIBR in an attempted Librarian update operation. Additional information may be available on the SYSLOG if an associated IBM internal system problem was encountered. As well, a small MFA snap dump will be issued to provide additional problem determination data. No batch update will be attempted. If you are unable to resolve the problem, open an incident with Micro Focus product support, and include the Snap Dump and the MFALOG as part of the problem description.


The system was unable to write to a temporary work file for use with the batch update utility AFOLIBR. Additional information may be available on the SYSLOG if an associated IBM data access error was encountered. As well, a small MFA snap dump will be issued to provide additional problem determination data. No batch update will be attempted. The probable cause here is an attempt to write a record (from the workstation) which exceeds the logical record size of the work file.


An internal Panvalet error occurred while processing a PAM API request identified as: aaa={OPEN or CLS or READ or SRCH} The return codes and PanValet message numbers are documented within the CA licensed documentation: CA/Panvalet Messages Guide CA/Panvalet System Management Guide An incomplete summary follows:

Message Description
PV001 Invalid command
PV002 Member name invalid
PV003 Invalid sequence number
PV004 Excessive parameters
PV005 Required parameter missing
PV006 Numeric parameter too large
PV007 Parameter exceeds 10 characters
PV008 Unsupported language format
PV009 Invalid parameter
PV012 No statement found
PV023 Name not found
PV032 Sequence error
PV033 Library error
PV036 Access error: member locked
PV043 Library storage exceeded
PV046 Panvalet library empty
PV047 Virtual storage shortfall
PV051 Invalid Library file
PV066 Function terminated due to errors
PV070 Statement truncated
PV095 Invalid DCB for Library
PV118 LRECL must be 80 for this language type
PV124 Invalid file

This site is not licensed to access the PanValet API. Further attempts to access PanValet will be suspended by MFA to avoid repetitive errors. Contact PanValet support to re-establish your license keys. Re-starting MFA will resume PanValet access attempts.

MFA5003E CA/PANVALET PAN#1 error RC=nnnnn

An internal Panvalet error was encountered while processing a batch update request using the PAN#1 utility. The return codes are described within the CA licensed documentation: CA/Panvalet Messages Guide CA/Panvalet User Guide

MFA5004E I/O ERROR on PANVALET Temporary file

A QSAM error was encountered while writing a temporary file needed as a pre-requisite for the PAN#1 batch update utility. Normally, an IBM system error will appear on the SYSLOG to describe the actual reason, The probable cause is an attempt to write a logical record from the workstation which exceeds the logical record size of the host file.

MFA6001E ENDEVOR API ERROR REQ=aaaa RC=nnn/rrrr/msgid

An Endevor internal processing error occurred while processing an API request identified as: aaaa={ERET or LELM or EADD} A copy of the actual Endevor error message is inserted into the MFALOGE listing if MFA_ENDEVOR_LOGGING is active. The return code, reason code, and Endevor message numbers are described in the licensed CA/Endevor documentation: Endevor for z/OS Messages and Codes Endevor for z.OS API Guide


A QSAM error was encountered while writing a temporary file needed as a pre-requisite for an Endevor API request. Normally, an IBM system error will appear on the SYSLOG to describe the actual reason, The probable cause is an attempt to write a logical record from the workstation which exceeds the logical record size of the temporary file.


An invalid environment string was encountered during an Endevor request. The transaction is aborted. Use you client software to re-specify the Endevor prompts and properties correctly.

MFA6004E ENDEVOR INTERFACE ABEND: abend-reason userid session-id

The Mainframe Access ESTAE recovery routines detected an abend while processing an Endevor transaction. The transaction is aborted. The above message appears in the MFALOG showing the diagnostic abend code and reason code.

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