The CobolNational Java class enables you to create UTF-16 strings that can be passed to a COBOL PIC N(...) usage is national field.
For example, the following COBOL program, hellonat, receives the string "Hello From Java" into a data item defined as PIC N(40) USAGE IS NATIONAL:
$set unicode(portable) working-storage section. linkage section. 01 lnk-natstring pic n(40) usage is national. procedure division using lnk-natstring. display "Java said to COBOL [" lnk-natstring "]" move "Hello From Java" to lnk-natstring exit program returning 0.
The corresponding Java code passes the string "Hello From Java" to the COBOL program, hellonat:
CobolNational cobnat = new CobolNational("Hello From Java", 40); RuntimeSystem.cobcall("hellonat", new ParameterList().add(cobnat)); System.out.println(cobnat.toString());