To set up an SNA link between a mainframe CICS environment and CICS regions on local enterprise servers, follow the procedures outlined in the following four stages. The procedures describe how to configure an 802.2 DLC connection:
This stage involves installing the SNA Server software on the local SNA Communications server and any clients running Enterprise Server, and configuring the SNA link from the local SNA Communications server to the mainframe.
This stage involves configuring the connections between the local CICS systems (running on any clients), and the CICS region running on the host.
This stage involves defining the local connections and sessions to the host CICS region, so that the host can recognize sessions running on the client COBOL system.
This stage involves configuring the link so that the host can initiate tasks on a local CICS system.
This chapter provides an overview of the procedures in each stage. For detailed information on each procedure, refer to the documentation delivered with the SNA Communications software that you are using.
Each procedure includes a list of the information you need to configure an 802.2 DLC connection. You can collect this information from your mainframe system administrator. An example value is included for each setting required. These example values are used consistently across the procedures described in this chapter, to help clarify situations where different procedures use the same values.