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Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

S pecifies whether the format picture (specified in Options) for a DATE, TIME, DECIMAL, or MONEY field is to be used when reading source data. The syntax is:

USE_PIC = {Y | N| NA} [, {Y | N | NA}] ...;  

where the specification (Y, N, or NA) is listed in the same order as the corresponding field names, and delimited by commas.

If a field specification is set to Y (default), then Import will apply the Option utility's picture format to the data in that field (be sure the data in the source file matches the PIC format you've specified). If a field specification is set to N, then Import will apply the default mask for that data type, as described in the table below.

Type Default Picture
Time hh:mm:ss
Date mm/dd/yyyy
Decimal <sign><digits>[.<digits>][E[+-]<digits>]
Money <sign><digits>[.<digits>][E[+-]<digits>]
  where: <sign> includes any combination of + - $ >=
  <digits> are 0 through 9; also comma (,) if to the left of the decimal place.

For fields that are not of type DATE, TIME, DECIMAL, or MONEY, the field specification should be set to NA (not applicable).


If you know that the format of the file is the same as the SQLWizard Import defaults, you do not need to use the USE_PIC statement.

USE_PIC is an optional Batch Import command.

For example:

USE_PIC = n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,y,y;

specifies that the ninth and tenth fields are to have profile masks applied to them.

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