Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 3.0 for Eclipse
Mainframe Programming
AppMaster Builder
Error Messages
MDC- TP data communication messages
MDC- TP data communication messages
This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Select the number of the message you require details about:
MDC-1010-00-E $TP-ENTRY missing
You did not invoke the $TP-ENTRY call.
MDC-1020-00-E Subscript missing for SCR
An attributed field, within a repeated block, is missing the subscript for that field.
MDC-1030-00-E SCR FLD is not a repeated field
You coded an attributed field with a subscript, and that field is not part of a repeated block.
MDC-1040-00-E FLD is not a valid field for SCR
The field name is not a valid field for the named screen.
MDC-1050-00-E Required screen name not supplied
You coded the call without a screen name.
MDC-2010-00-E No room for sign
A numeric field, specified for editing, does not have room for the sign.
A numeric field, specified for editing, does not have room for both the sign and the decimal point.
MDC-2030-00-E Macro named as edit for FLD contained in screen was not defined
During screen generation, the field editing calls found a field that you specified for a user edit call. However, you did not define that user call.
MDC-4010-00-E Too many one character TSO fields
There can be a maximum of 25 one character fields on a TSO screen.
MDC-4035-00-E Combination of attributes not recognized in attribute table
AMB cannot find the combination of attributes in the attribute table.
MDC-8010-00-F APMDCSC included twice - remove extra INCLUDE
You included the member APMDCSC more than once.
MDC-9010-00-F unknown MDC parm
The DC target is unknown.
MDC-9020-00-F improper &TP(SC)-SSF-LIB
The screen symbol library is invalid.
Parent topic:
Error Messages