Parses a Customizer text string. &PARSE facilitates the following tasks.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
- Parsing rule arguments or parameter strings that have embedded punctuation, operators, or keywords. You can split the string into two strings--the part preceding and the part following the first occurrence of the operator string. Then, you can skip past embedded single- or double-quoted strings when looking for the first occurrence of the operator string.
- Eliminating the trailing and leading spaces from both of the new strings, making them easier to read.
- Parsing long parameter strings by loops. You can reload the string that follows the operator string into the original string variable.
&PARSE( &string[value])
&parse( &string[value]) &Parse( &string[value])
Variable with a string value.
Can be:
- A literal text string.
- A variable with a string value.
- A number (the number turns into a string).
If &STR is assigned by the statement % &STR = " X, PARM = `A, B', Y", then
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% PART = &PARSE( &STR, ",")
% &STR = "PARM = `A, B', Y"
% &PART = "X"
If &PARSE is used again on &STR:
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% &PART = &PARSE( &STR, ",")
% &STR = "Y"
% &PART = "PARM = `A, B'"
Note that the comma embedded in `A, B' is ignored.
If &PARSE is used again on &STR:
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% &PART = &PARSE( &STR, ",")
% &STR = ""
% &PART = "Y"
And finally, if &PARSE is used again on &STR:
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% &PART = &PARSE( &STR, ",")
% &STR = ""
% &PART = ""
In other words, after processing, you get the following result.
% &PART = &PARSE( &STR, ",")
- &PART contains what was in the value of &STR up to but not including the first comma (with leading and trailing spaces trimmed).
- &STR contains what was in the value of &STR, after and not including the first comma (with leading and trailing spaces trimmed).
IF &STR is assigned by the statement % &STR = " ABC ":
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% &STR = ""
% &PART = "ABC"
Because the argument is restored before the &PARSE value is passed, &PARSE eliminates spaces and returns the string to the original variable.
If % &STR = " ABC ":
This statement...
Is equivalent to...
% &STR = &PARSE( &STR)
% &STR = "ABC"