Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
The Micro Focus Generator (MFG) is composed of several subsystems that work together. In addition to being logical groups of modules, the IG is implemented as a set of DLLs, generally one per subsystem or group. For development purposes, the source files are organized along the same lines, with all the source components in one subdirectory.
The groups can be organized into larger logical units as follows.
- Main programs and high-level control of processing
- IG - Invokes the main MFG entry point in the FMPDRVR DLL.
- FMPDRVR - Contains the mainline logic, exception handling, initial bootstrap program, and the main entry point for the MFG (as a DLL).
- PARM - Handles command line and control file input.
- IGDRVR - Contains the MFG exception handling routines for unexpected error conditions that are first detected by the operating system or C run-time library. The messages typically indicate a catastrophic failure. Except where noted, the severity of these errors is FATAL, and the MFG terminates with all output buffers flushed.
- Compiler "front end"
- PARSE - Performs the parsing, intermediate representation generation, and optimization phases.
- LEX - The scanner (or lexical analysis) pass of the MFG compiler.
- IP - A set of low-level service routines for parsing.
- Execution engine
- VM - Executes the intermediate representation.
- BUILTIN - An extension to the Virtual Machine (VM) that implements the built-in macros and variables.
- INFRA - A set of infrastructure routines that provide VM services .
- Processing of generated output: OUTPUT - Structures and writes the generated output
- Writing compiled macros in a form for later use: STORE - Writes out the intermediate form of compiled macros to a DLL or Assembly language source form.
- Sets of service routines
- FMPIO - A set of low-level I/O service routines.
- FMPMSGS - Contains the externalized message text that is used for error messages and command line help.
- GLOBAL - A set of data and MFG service routines that are used by other groups.
- SRVCS - Provides access to system-dependent services, such as DLL loading and memory management.
Note: Each MFG subsystem has a corresponding series of error messages called IG messages. You can find them in your online Help under
AppMaster Builder >
Reference >
Error Messages >
IG - Micro Focus Generator messages.