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HLD0030I hh:mm:ss.ttt User administration ended with RC [002] (hex)
This is an informational message due to IPTRACE level 4 being set.

The return code RC is one of the following:

RC Meaning
8 Function INIT not valid.
C Data space size not big enough.
14 Invalid function.
64 Scheduler port range outside defined port range.
65 Scheduler port range overlaps another server's port range.
66 Scheduler already in table. Scheduler is not added.
68 Table is full.
6C Scheduler not found.
70 User not found.
72 User already in table.
76 User table is full.
7A CRP is outside table.
7E User server is not a started job. Timeout is ignored.
82 Port not found.
86 User administration not via data space.
8A Port is not locked. UNLOCK ignored.
8E Scheduler is locked.
92 Asid not found.
96 No free floating license available.
9E Resource table is full.
A2 Entry not found in resource table.
A6 No entry found for user server.
AA Portrange of server is overlapping with portrange of another server.
nnn For function code 9 this is not a return code, but rather internal information.
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