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Enable PL/I Support

  1. On the Enterprise Server Administration home page, click Edit next to the row for PLIDEMO in the table of servers.
  2. Make sure the Server and Properties tabs are selected, click MSS, and then click the PL/I tab.
  3. Select the PL/I enabled check box.
  4. Specify the following paths:
    Field: Value to enter: Details:
    Codewatch source path(s) $PLIJCLDEMO The project directory.
    Codewatch STB path(s) $PLIJCLDEMO\PLIJCLbuild.bin The project output folder.
    PL/I Configuration directory $PLIJCLDEMO The project directory.
  5. Click Apply, and then click Home in the top left corner of the page.

    The PL/I is enabled for the server and specified locations are added. The Enterprise Server Administration home page appears.

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