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Tips: Eclipse IDE Equivalents to IDE Features in Earlier Products

The following table shows Mainframe Express and Net Express IDE features and their corresponding equivalents and locations in Eclipse.

Functionality In Mainframe Express In Net Express In Enterprise Developer for Eclipse
Project Control
Project filename *.MVP *.APP .cobolProj in Project directory
Add file to project To create a new file from the supported types in the project directory, click File > New, specify the type of file to create, and click OK. Click Project > Add Files to add existing files to the project. To create a new file from the supported types in the project directory, click File > New, specify the type of file to create, and click OK. Click Project > Add Files to Project to add existing files to the project. All files in the project directory and its subdirectories are automatically part of the project. You can exclude programs or subdirectories from a build using the Build Action option on the context menu.
Copybook path Via Workgrouping Click Project > Properties, then click IDE and specify the COBCPY environment variable. By default, all directories within a project and their subdirectories are included in the initial copybook path. To make changes, click Project > Project Properties > Micro Focus > Build Path and select the Dependency Paths tab.
Build settings for the project:
  • CICS including BMS
  • Preprocessor
  • Additional directives
ALT+F7 or click Project > Build Setting for Project and select the corresponding tabs. ALT+F7 or click Project > Build Setting and select the corresponding tabs. Right-click the project name and select Properties, (or click Project > Properties from the main menu).
Execution environment settings:
  • General
  • Assembler
  • JCL
Click Project > Project Settings and then click the Execution tab The execution environment is Micro Focus Server. The execution environment is Enterprise Server.
Debug settings:
  • DateWarp
  • Stored Procedures
  • Click Debug > DateWarp.
  • Click Debug > Debug Settings and check Enable Stored Procedures Debugging.
  • Click Debug > DateWarp.
DateWarp is present in the debug launch configurations.
Suggest Word/Content Assist CTRL+G CTRL+G CTRL+Space
Locate F12 (or context menu Locate) F12 (or context menu Locate) F3 (or context menu Goto Definition)
COBOL Find CTRL+Shift+F12 (or context menu COBOL Find) CTRL+Shift+F12 (or context menu COBOL Find) CTRL+Shift+G (or context menu Find References)
Compress Tool bar compress Tool Bar Compress (or context menu Compress) Tool bar compress Tool Bar Compress (or context menu Compress) Double-click on an item in the search result to jump to the line in the program.
Bookmark CTRL+F2 CTRL+F2 Click Edit > Add Bookmark.
Single file Compile CTRL+F7 (or click check markCheck Mark) CTRL+F7 (or click check markCheck Mark) Right-click a program name and select Single File Compile.
Note: This applies to native code only.
Build F7 (or click buildBuild) F7 (or click buildBuild) By default, Eclipse automatically builds projects to keep them up to date. You can also build on request. To turn off the automatic build, click Project > Build Automatically.
Build All ALT+B A ALT+B A Cleaning a project forces a rebuild. To access this, click Project > Clean.
Start Debugging Alt+D A Alt+D A Choose Debug or F11 Before launching the session, create an appropriate debug launch configuration.
Stop Debugging Shift+F5 Shift+F5 CTRL+F2 (or context menu Terminate) Terminate
Restart Debugging Ctrl+Shift+F5 Ctrl+Shift+F5 From the executable in the debug stack view, right-click and select Relauch from the context menu.
Run F5 F5 CTRL+F11
Step F11 (or click stepStep) F11 (or click stepStep) F5
Step All Ctrl+F5 Ctrl+F5 Click ResumeResume on the debug toolbar.
Run Thru F10 F10 F6 (or Step OverStep Over)
Run Return Shift+F11 Shift+F11 F7 (or Step ReturnStep Return)
Run to Cursor Shift+F10 (or context menu) Shift+F10 (or context menu) CTRL+R (or context menu Run to LineRun to Line)
Skip to Cursor CTRL+Shift+F10 CTRL+Shift+F10 ALT+F12, R (or Reset Execution PointReset Execution Point)
Skip Statement ALT+D, I or click Debug > Skip Statement . Click Debug > Skip Statement. No equivalent. Use ALT+F12, R (or Reset Execution PointReset Execution Point)
Skip Return ALT+D, K or Click Debug > Skip Return Click Debug > Skip Return. No equivalent. Use ALT+F12, R (or Reset Execution PointReset Execution Point)
Examine ' data item' Shift+F9 Shift+F9 The Variables View automatically shows variable values on the current and previous lines.
Breakpoint set F9 F9 Double click in the left margin to toggle a breakpoint.
Conditional Breakpoint Click Debug > Breakpoint > Set Advanced. Click Debug > Breakpoint > Set Advanced. From the Breakpoints View, select a breakpoint and edit the properties.
Break on Data Change Via list view Via list view To set a WatchPoint, double-click in the margin of line containing a WS item, or set it from the Outline View context menu.
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