The following application specific attributes can be defined in an AWM model for special use in the
Enterprise Developer COBOL or PL/I editor in remote edit scenarios within an AWM model based application.
The background parse process of the editors makes use of these specific attributes:
A list of local path information and MVS data set names which are used by the editor's background parse process as search paths for COBOL copybooks or PL/I includes.
A list of MVS data sets which are used by the editor's background parse process as search paths for JCL includes.
A list of
Micro Focus compiler directives to use when background parsing a COBOL or PL/I program opened in the editor.
Default value for COBOL is
Default value for PL/I is
-margins 1,72 -cics
Controls whether the background parse process of the editor is started automatically or explicitly called. Any value other than "true" (in any combination of upper and lowercase letters) will prevent the automatic reparsing of downloaded programs after they have been changed. You can activate the reparsing manually by modelling the "Reparse With Refresh" tool from the Micro Focus Editor function package.
Default value: true
Controls whether the background parse process of the editor is started when a file is opened in the editor.
Default value: false
These properties can contain a reference to an AWM property which can be used as an output parameter by an AWM tool. You can use this to dynamically define a copybook search path or compiler options at run time, before a program is opened in the editor.
The following fixed named properties can be used to replace the application-specific attributes:
Fixed named property
MFProp_RemoteSyntaxCheckOptions for COBOL programs
MFProp_RemotePLISyntaxCheckOptions for PL/I programs
If the application-specific attribute is defined, it has a higher priority.