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DB2 Preprocessor Options (deprecated)

The DB2 Preprocessor options are listed in the table below:

-action Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-bind Specifies that a bind file should be created.
-bindname Specifies name of bindfile to create.
-block Specifies type (unambig, all or no) of row blocking.
-catalog Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-charsub Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-connect Specifies if the CONNECT statement should be of type 1 or 2.
-collection Specifies the collection schema name.
-datetime Specifies date/time format (def, usa, eur, iso, jis, loc).
-dbname Specifies name of database to preprocess against.
-dec Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-decdel Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-degree Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-disconnect Refers to disconnections (explicit, automatic or conditional).
-dynamicrules Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-explain Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-explsnap Stores an Explain snapshot (no, all or yes)
-funcpath Specifies functional path for types and functions in static SQL.
-insert Refers to data buffering (def or buf).
-isolation Specifies isolation level (ss, rr, ur).
-level Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-nobind Specifies that no .bnd file is created.
-nooptimize Specifies that no SQLDA initialization optimizations are done.
-package Causes package creation.
-packagename Specifies name of package. Implies -package.
-optimize Specifies that SQLDA initialization optimizations are done.
-optlevel Same as -optimize. Impacts initializations of SQLDAs.
-owner Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-queryopt Optimization of static SQL. The default level is 5.
-qualifier Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-release Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-replver Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-retain Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-schema Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-sqlerror Specifies action following error(s).
-sqlflag Reports on deviations on SQL syntax.
-sqlrules Refers to connects (std or db2).
-sqltwop Performs two passes because variable usage precedes declarations.
-sqlwarns Refers to dynamic SQL.
-stds Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-syncpoint Refers to commits or rollbacks (onephase, none, twophase)
-syntax Suppresses package or binding. Validity checking.
-text Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-validate Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
-version Refer to the IBM DB2 documentation.
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