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Data Model Details

The following chapter contains a detailed description of all data model object types, relationships and attributes.

All the attributes are listed in a table, and more complex attributes and relationships will be explained in more detail in the corresponding topics. The most important attribute properties are represented in the tables by symbols:

Symbol Meaning
* or [M] Mandatory attribute. This attribute must be assigned a value.
[C] (Choice) Occurs if there are at least two attributes for a type or relationship. Only one of these attributes may be assigned a value or set to true.
[D] (Dependency) Occurs if there are at least two attributes for a type or a relationship. These attributes depend on each other and must be modeled in specific ways.
[O] (Optional) Optional attribute. Optional attributes do not have a standard value and can be left empty.
[U] (Unique) The value of this attribute must be unique among the siblings of the same type.
[UC] (Unique choice) Precisely one type or one relationship among the siblings must set this attribute to true. Only occurs with boolean attributes.
Example of a "Unique" attribute

Each attribute value of SeqNo must be unique among the same types of a parent mode.

Certain attributes, such as ID, Label and SeqNo, are assigned to several object types and relationships. In principle, these always have the same meaning:

Complex Attributes are made up of several individual attributes. Relationships and complex attributes can appear several times within a type.

Cardinalities of the following relationships and complex attributes will be described in tables in the next topics:

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