CASXB0060I Found a pattern of duplicate names; repeating as a group
In SDF-mode, if the parser encounters a repeated pattern of alternate-names (comment-card names), it will attempt to render them into an instance of a repeated group definition. IBM SDFII allows users to specify group definitions on a DEFINE STRUCTURE panel, such that they are not fully enumerated in the resulting BMS. Therefore, the BMS parser will make a best-effort to render these into a group, so that an appropriate copybook can be generated. This is not fail-safe, however, and the preferred method is to ensure that group member fields are prefixed with a comment of the form * groupname(grp-occ).fieldname.
CASXB0064E ADVS field repeated in 3 dimensions. Collapsing into 2.
An SDF-type repeated field definition, within a repeated group definition (defined or implied), contains a BMS OCCURS clause. This would logically yield a three-dimension array in a generated copybook. However, it cannot be internally represented by this product.
CASXB0065W Painter cannot regen ADVS 2-dim arrays. Generate using SDF mode.
The BMS is processing in ADVS-mode, and contains a comment of the form "* fieldname(horiz-occ)(vert-occ)" or "* fieldname(vert-occ)" and an OCCURS= clause. These are migrated internally as a repeating field within a repeating group for backward compatibility. However, ADVS-mode comments do not support group definition, so the BMS should be regenerated in SDF-mode.
CASXB0071E PICIN is illegal at character <pic-pos>
The PICIN value is not a valid input picture clause for the selected language. For COBOL language, in addition to editing for a syntactically valid COBOL picture, the system checks that it contains only the editing symbols A P S V X 9 / G or N. For PL/I language, only a cursory syntax check is made for valid tokens and repeaters.
CASXB0072E PICOUT is illegal at character <pic-pos>
The PICOUT value is not a valid output picture clause for the selected language. For COBOL language, in addition to editing for a syntactically valid COBOL picture, the system checks that it contains only the editing symbols A B E P S V X Z 0 9 , . + - * $ CR DB / G or N. For PL/I language, only a cursory syntax check is made for valid tokens and repeaters.