Refresh children of loaded application.
No input parameters
need to be modeled.
If executed, the “Get Root Containers” action will be called, which refreshes the application children in the tree view. If all “Get Children” actions have the attribute “Linked List = true” (default value), the complete tree view cache will be cleared.
Refresh children of specific element.
At least two input parameters
must be modeled, which contain the complete identifier of the element that should be refreshed.
The identifier contains:
- The match name (property with attribute “Special Property = Element Type”).
- The element ID (all properties of the element type’s ID definition).
The number of modeled properties does not matter, as long as an element type property and all ID properties of the element type are among them. Therefore, it is possible to define one Children Refresher tool for refreshing elements of different element types.
The element children will be refreshed if it is not visible (expanded) at the moment and there will be no exception if the specified element does not exist. An exception will only be caused if no element ID can be created from the given input values (e.g. invalid matchname or missing ID properties for the matchname).
Refresh specific workspace resource.
Exactly one string or file input parameter must be modeled, which contains the absolute or relative path of a workspace folder, file or project.
Has no visible effect when executed but can be used in actions which require Eclipse workspace resources to be refreshed (e.g. file has been created within the workspace by a local script).
Does not cause an exception if the specified resource does not exist.