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File Input/Output Trace

Use the option GTFOPT=FIO to trace all file input and output operations including OPEN, CLOSE, GET, PUT, POINT, READ, WRITE etc. Alternatively, use the option GTFOPT=FOC, which traces file open and close operations only, to identify the location within an application where an OPEN or CLOSE is failing.

Here is the GTF trace file for a file input/output trace of the Assembler demo program pgasm04.mlc:

GTF option GTFFILE =D:\MFUSER\CONFIG\GTF.LOG                          
GTF option GTFOPT  =FIO                                               
GTF option GTFIMIN =00000000                                          
GTF option GTFIMAX =FFFFFFFF                                          
GTF option GTFAMIN =00000000                                          
GTF option GTFAMAX =FFFFFFFF                                          
GTF trace file DATE=000114 TIME=09504509
0000002B 80017572 OPENL    CB=000172C0
00000070 80017572 OPENL    CB=00017320
000000A1 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000000C6 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
000000F3 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
00000118 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000145 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
0000016A 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000197 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000001BC 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
000001E9 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
0000020E 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
0000023B 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
00000260 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
0000028D 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000002B2 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
000002DF 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
00000304 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000331 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
00000356 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000383 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000003A8 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
000003D5 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000003FA 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000427 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
0000044C 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
00000479 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
0000049E 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
000004CB 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000004F0 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
0000051D 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
00000542 80017AD0 PUT      CB=00017320
0000056F 80017AD0 GET      CB=000172C0
000005A2 80017E8A CLOSEL   CB=000172C0
000005DE 80017E8A CLOSEL   CB=00017320
GTF trace file DATE=000114 TIME=09504618
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