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RETURN-CODE, User, System, and RTS ABEND Handling

If a User, System, or RTS abend occurs in a job step, MFBSIJCL returns the decimal value of the user, system, or RTS status code by default. If this value is greater than 199, MFBSIJCL returns a final return code of 16 to the scheduler. Otherwise, the return code corresponds to the status code; for example, a user abend with return code 12 returns code 12.

Nevertheless, a USR, SYS, or RTS abend can return a specified return code to the scheduler. In the MFBSI configuration file, the parameters SYS-ABEND-RC, USR-ABEND-RC, and RTS-ABEND-RC can be set to force the OS return code to be returned to the scheduler in these cases.

Note: These parameters cannot be set on the command line for MFBSIJCL; they must be set in the configuration file.

This table shows some of the specific OS codes returned from MFBSIJCL.

Return Code Description

These values should be reserved for MFBSIJCL use.

They indicate an error specific to MFBSIJCL, such as MFBSI_DIR not set, unknown or missing parameters, or error during job submission (CASSUB/CASOUT).

See the topic on specific return codes issued by MFBSIJCL for descriptions of each return code.

208 JES/JCL error detected.
209 Job submission failed (See JobLog output).
211 Job ended, no numeric RC returned.
0-16 Usual error codes returned by Enterprise Server/MSS JCL (job execution).
0 JOB execution successful.
16 Unsuccessful JOB execution.

To see the full list of MFBSI-specific return codes, execute one of the following commands from an Enterprise Developer command prompt (Windows) or a UNIX command shell where $COBDIR is set.

mfbsijcl /rc
mfbsijcl -h
mfbsijcl -help
mfbsijcl -?
Note: The parameters are case insensitive, and may be specified using / or -.

In the job log written by MFBSIJCL, either in SJobId.Log, JOB#####.log, or via STDOUT, JCLSI messages provide additional information. For example:

JCLSI0013E JOB????? => Rc:213 Configuration parameter unknown in MFBSI.cfg
JCLSI0014E JOB????? Parameter: ES_Server=-rES
JCLSI0077I JOB Ended with OS RC=0213. 13:12:59
JCLSI0028E JOB????? => Rc:243 In MFBSI_DIR,"regionName.Started" not found.
JCLSI0077I JOB Ended with OS RC=0243. 14:09:33
JCLSI0050I JOB01039 IEFBR14 JOB Concluded. (SYS=00002054 Reason=00000000 )[Job abended] 14:12:38

where SYS 2054 (decimal) = x'806' (Program not found). System Abend.

JCLSI0050I JOB01209 MFJCLRC JOB Concluded.  (RTS=00000173 Reason=00000000 ) [Job abended]    12:33:38 	

where RTS 173 signals a called program not found.

The purpose of these messages is to allow additional scheduler error processing, if needed.


  • If the decimal value of the JCL return-code is greater than 254, it is converted to the value 16, and returned to the scheduler. This is also true if the JCL return-code falls in the range 200 - 254 (which is reserved for MFBSIJCL use).
  • Micro Focus recommends to set SYS-ABEND-RC, USR-ABEND-RC and RTS-ABEND-RC in mfbsi.cfg to easily identify these kind of errors from a scheduler perspective. For example:
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