To display the
Server Access Configuration dialog box, use one of the following options:
From Eclipse, on the
Run menu, select
Tools > MFA Server Access Configuration.
From the Windows Start menu, click
Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Enterprise Developer >
Configuration > Mainframe Access Configuration.
From the Compare and Synchronization Monitor main screen, on the
Options menu, select
Mainframe Access Configuration.
Server Access Configuration dialog box appears.
On the
Server Access Configuration dialog box, select the
Node tab.
In the list, select the node to edit, and click
Edit to display the
Node Configuration dialog box.
If you have more than one node configured, and you want to make this node the default node, check
Make this the default node.
Credentials and set the logon credentials:
Enter the logon details in the
User name and
Password fields.
In the
Expires field, select the duration for which the credentials remain active.
Use to authenticate against all resources to use the credentials for all defined nodes.
Save to INI file if you want to retain these credentials between sessions. The next time you start a session, MFDaemon checks for the INI file and uses the credentials it contains.
Note: If you do not save these credentials, components such as
SourceConnect prompt you for them each time they require mainframe access.
The node details appear again.
Edit the
Name and
Network details, as appropriate, then click