x is a character expression.
y is the length to be written to the CTF trace file.
If the y parameter is missing, y equals size (x).
DCL MSG CHAR(100) INIT('My name is Daniels, Jack Daniels!'); CALL PLICTF(999, 1, -1, MSG); CALL PLICTF(999, 1, -1, MSG, 18); CALL PLICTF(999, 1, -1, "You ain't nothing but a hound dog");
foo: proc() options(main); /* Generate a 999 event, Info Level tracing (1), with a message of "A trace for Bob", that is 15 bytes long Requires: where xxx is replaced with “level” Of debug/info/warning/error mftrace.level.mf.rts.pli = xxxx The “flags” parameter (#3) is not one the customer Can change with the current releases – must always be -1 */ call PLICTF(999, 1, -1, "A trace for Bob", 15); end;
CTF is a diagnostic tool that traces running applications and creates trace files in one of two formats: text (the default) or binary. Use this subroutine to write strings to the trace file.