Enterprise Developer for z Systems provides a project-based view that allows developers to develop both on and off the mainframe.
The development workflow can be easily customized to meet an organization's specific development processes. Your administrator is normally responsible for defining and maintaining this workflow within the Workflow Manager tool.
In this part of the tutorial, we will be using the
Application Explorer view with the mainframe application that we installed in the first part of this tutorial.
The first thing we need to do is load the model into the
Application Explorer view.
From the
Application Explorer view, expand your mainframe system entry and load the
MVS Projects Sample Application, if not already loaded.
Expand the application entry, then expand the entry
MVS Projects. This displays the filter entry Bankdemo Sample Datasets. This filter was created during the installation verification. See
Installation Verification for details of how to create this entry, if it is missing.
Expand the filter
Bankdemo Sample Datasets to view its datasets.
userid.BANKVSAM.COBOL, then right-click the data set and select
Show Members in Table.
Note:userid is the data set qualifier specified when the tutorial files were set up on the mainframe, which is normally your TSO userid (see
The project's COBOL members are listed in the tree and table view, and if you click a member, its properties are displayed in the properties view.