If the SCLM attachment is used within
Enterprise Developer with z/Server as server, adjust the reference to the location of the master configuration file, as required.
If the SCLM attachment is used within
IBM Developer for z Systems with the IBM RSE daemon as server, adjust the reference to the location of the master configuration file, as required.
Tool interface exit: use this exit for dynamic allocations or to set ISPF environment variables necessary to run your specific SCLM Application.
With a standard SCLM installation you do not need to customize this exit.
General allocation exit: use the exit to allocate general temporary files.
The REXX procedure is used within the SCLM Attachment to allocate temporary datasets when executing a string search in SCLM datasets.
Exit for Assembler Remote Syntax Check: customize the library names and allocations, as required
Exit for COBOL Remote Syntax Check: customize the library names and allocations, as required
Exit for PLI Remote Syntax Check; customize the library names and allocations, as required
Exit for C Remote Syntax Check; customize the library names and allocations, as required