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To export IMS transactions

Option 1: Export from a stage 1 file
The stage 1 file is read and all the transaction definitions are extracted into a transaction file.
To create a transaction file from a stage 1 file:
  1. Download your stage 1 file from the mainframe.
  2. Open an Enterprise Developer command prompta command prompt.
  3. Change to the directory that contains your downloaded stage 1 file.
  4. Enter the following:
    mfims stage1ext stage1file transactionfile
    stage1file The stage 1 file downloaded from the mainframe.
    transactionfile The name of the transaction file to be created.

    The transaction file is created in the current directory.

Option 2: Export from imsgen2.dat
To create a transaction file from an imsgen2.dat file:
  1. Open an Enterprise Developer command prompta command prompt.
  2. Enter the following:
    mfims tranexp [transactionfile]
    transactionfile The name of the transaction file to be created. Optional. If not specified, the name of the transaction file defaults to tranexp.txt.

    The transaction file is created in the current directory.

    Note: If the imsgen2.dat file is not in the current directory, it must be in the directory specified by the ES_IMSLIB environment variable.
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