Walks you through the process of generating a JSP client for the ProgramEJB service interface, and deploying it to your JBoss application server.
Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments (local development) only.
For an EJB to access a COBOL service running on an enterprise server, you must have the EJB and a JSP client running on an application server. You now generate an EJB and a JSP client for the
ProgramEJB service you deployed and configure your JBoss application server to run them.
- From
Application Explorer view, right-click the
ProgramEJB Java interface; then click
Generate Client.
Console tells you when the client has generated successfully.
- In Eclipse, click the
Console tab.
- On the icon bar, click the down arrow associated with
Display Selected Console
- Click
Service Interfaces Console.
- Copy the
ProgramEJB.ear file, located in your project's
repos\ProgramEJB.deploy directory, to your JBoss installation's
standalone\deployments directory.