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cmdgen command

Generates AMB applications, programs, and screens.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.


cmdgen /f [path\]configXMLfilename [/c] [/h | /?] [/m mapsetname[;...]]
 [/p programname[;...]] [/q] [/s screenname[;...]] [/{parameter=value}]


path The full path to your configuration XML file. You can omit the path when you execute cmdgen from the cmdgnxml directory of your user test area.
configXMLfilename The name of the configuration XML file containing the application(s) you want to generate.
/c Specifies continuous mode, meaning that generation continues regardless of returned errors.
/h or /? Displays help for cmdgen syntax.
/m mapsetname[;...]] Specifies one or more mapsets contained in the configuration XML file that you want to generate with this command. This enables you to choose a subset of mapsets rather than generating all of them. Separate multiple mapset names with a semicolon (;).
/p programname[;...]] Specifies one or more programs contained in the configuration XML file that you want to generate with this command. This enables you to choose a subset of programs rather than generating all of them. Separate multiple program names with a semicolon (;).
/q Specifies quiet mode, meaning that the console screen does not display output.
/s screenname[;...] Specifies one or more screens contained in the configuration XML file that you want to generate with this command. This enables you to choose a subset of screens rather than generating all of them. Separate multiple screen names with a semicolon (;).
/{parameter=value} Specifies a parameter and a value to override the value specified for that parameter in the configuration XML file or, if the parameter is not defined in the configuration XML file, to specify a parameter and a value in addition to those defined in the configuration XML file.


Example 1
Generates all programs and screens defined in a configuration XML file created for the myapp application:
cmdgen /f ap_myapp.xml
Example 2
Generates only the myprog program and the myscreen screen, both defined in the configuration file generated for the myapp application:
cmdgen /f ap_myapp.xml /p myprog /s myscreen
Example 3
Generates just the programs screens specified, all of which are defined in the configuration file:
cmdgen /f ap_myapp.xml /p myprog1;myprog2 /s myscreen1;myscreen2
Example 4
Generates an entire application, overriding the value defined in the configuration XML file for the WORKGROUP parameter with an alternate value:
cmdgen /f ap_myapp.xml /[WORKGROUP=QAGROUP1]
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