DP - series
- DP0001I Dispatcher is ready to accept service requests
- Description: The dispatcher has successfully initialized and is ready for work.
- System action: none
- User response: none
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0002I Listener process started:
listener process id
- Description: The dispatcher has successfully started a listener process with the given process id.
- System action: none
- User response: none
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0003E An exception occurred starting the listener:
exception message
- Description: The dispatcher has tried to start a listener, but an exception was generated.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the exception for the reason for the failure, and rectify
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0004I SEP process started:
SEP process id
- Description: The dispatcher has successfully started a SEP process with the given process id.
- System action: none
- User response: none
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0005E An exception occurred starting a SEP:
exception message
- Description: The dispatcher has tried to start a SEP but an exception was generated.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the exception for the reason for the failure, and rectify
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0006I SEP process
SEP process id exited: rc =
SEP process return code
- Description: The SEP process has terminated with the specified return code.
- System action: none
- User response: none
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0007E An exception occurred dispatching a request:
exception message
- Description: The dispatcher could not dispatch a request.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the exception for the reason for failure and rectify
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0008E Region 'region name' is unavailable
- Description: The dispatcher cannot interact with the specified region name.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0009E Auto-install transaction 'transaction name' not found. Ensure DFHVTAM group is defined.
- Description: The transaction specified could not be auto-installed.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Ensure that the DFHVTAM group is defined and configured correctly
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0010E Failure opening a session with region 'region name':
cause of failure
- Description: A session to the specified region could not be opened.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the message for the cause of failure and rectify
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0011E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to dispatch request
request id
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to communicate with the region in order to perform the operation.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check that the region is running, and that the communications infrastructure, service configuration is sound
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0012E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to output console message Message :
console message
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to communicate with the region in order to perform the operation.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check that the region is running, and that the communications infrastructure, service configuration is sound
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0013E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to close session
session id
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to communicate with the region in order to perform the operation.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check that the region is running, and that the communications infrastructure, service configuration is sound
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0014E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to invoke service
service name
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to communicate with the region in order to perform the operation.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check that the region is running, and that the communications infrastructure, service configuration is sound
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0015E Discarding empty TN3270 request (session
session ID)
- Description: The TN3270 request is empty, the dispatcher is discarding the request.
- System action: The request is discarded
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0016E Error attempting to queue CICS request Tran id:
TranId Session id:
SessionId Term id:
TermId Database instance:
DB instance Region name:
region name
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to queue a request to the region database.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0017E Transaction 'Tran id' ABEND
Abend code, (Abend description). Backout successful.
- Description: A transaction abended.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the abend code and description for the reason. Fix the error in the transaction and retry
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0018E Error attempting to queue JES request Session id:
SessionId Database instance:
DB instance Region name:
region name
- Description: The dispatcher is unable to queue a request.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0019E An exception occurred scheduling a job:
exception message
- Description: An attempt was made to schedule a job and an exception was generated.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the exception for the failure reason
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0020E Error attempting to schedule job Job class:
Job class Database instance:
DB instance Region name:
region name
- Description: An attempt was made to schedule a job and an error was generated.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0021E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to dispatch spool id
spool id
- Description: The dispatcher was unable to connect to the region.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0022E Failed to connect to region
DB instance\region name to handle JES internal reader submission request for
dataset name
- Description: The dispatcher was unable to connect to the region.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0023E An exception occurred scheduling a print:
exception message
- Description: A print could not be scheduled and an exception was generated.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Examine the exception for the failure reason
- Module: seedispatch
- DP0024E Error attempting to schedule print Sysout class:
Sysout class Database instance:
DB instance Region name:
region name
- Description: A print could not be scheduled.
- System action: Operation terminates
- User response: Check the console log and
category of the Windows event log for exceptions to help resolve the problem
- Module: seedispatch