AM - series
- AM1001W CFMT file (or dataset) name not supplied
- Description: A valid file name or dataset was not supplied to the CFMT transaction.
- System action: None
- User response: Ensure that the file name / dataset is valid and retry the transaction
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1002I CFMT Usage
file name
where fn=
- Description: No input was supplied with the transaction. This message documents the required parameters. The user should enter the transaction ID, function, and file name. The function may be "open", "close", "enable", "disable", "inquire" or "name". The transaction considers only the first two letters of the function parameter to determine its action.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1003I Zero length input for CFMT at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The transaction CFMT started on the terminal but there was no input data. The request executed on terminal
terminal-id where user
user-id was signed on.
- System action: None
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit the request
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1004W Invalid CFMT initiation at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The transaction CFMT started on the terminal but the start was not a valid start. The request executed on terminal
terminal-id where user
user-id was signed on.
- System action: None
- User response: Correct the transaction initiation and resubmit the request
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1005I CFMT - File
file name opened successfully
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to open the file was successful.
- System action: The file was opened
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1006I CFMT - File
file name closed successfully
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to close the file was successful.
- System action: The file was closed
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1007I CFMT - File
file name enabled successfully
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to enable the file was successful.
- System action: The file was enabled
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1008I CFMT - File
file name disabled successfully
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to disable the file was successful.
- System action: The file was disabled
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1009I CFMT - File
file name is
open-status and
, user
- Description: The inquire request was successful with a status of file open-status and enable-status. If an unexpected CVDA value is returned for either of these statuses, the actual numeric status will be reported.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1010W CFMT invalid request (request) for file
file name at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request for the file was not recognized. It may be OPen, CLose, ENable, DIsable, INquire or NAme. Only the first two characters of the request are examined by the program. The request is not case sensitive.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1011W CFMT file
file name not found
terminal-id, user
- Description: The file was not found. The file name is case sensitive.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1012E CFMT request not authorized for file
file name at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request for the file is not authorized.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input or consult the security administrator.
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1013E CFMT file
file name unexpected response (EIBRESP)
terminal-id, user
- Description: The requested action for the file resulted in an unexpected API response.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1014W CFMT illogical response for request to file
file name
terminal-id, user
- Description: The requested action for the file resulted in an illogical API response. The requested transition is illogical, for example, an open request for a file that is already open.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1015I CFMT file
file name DSNAME (DSNAME)
- Description: The DSNAME associated with the file is displayed.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1016I CFMT
function function completed.
error count error(s) encountered. See CEBR.
- Description: The requested action has completed. The number of errors is shown.
- System action: None
- User response: Use the CEBR transaction to view the log
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM1017E CFMT file
terminal-id, user
- Description: The requested action for the file resulted in an IOERR.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcfmt
- AM2001W CPMT program or table name not supplied
- Description: The program name to action was not supplied. Usage is CPMT
- System action: None
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit the request
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2003I Zero length input for CPMT at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The transaction CPMT started on the terminal but there was no input data.
- System action: None
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit the request
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2004W Invalid CPMT initiation at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The transaction CPMT started on the terminal but the start was not a valid start.
- System action: None
- User response: Correct the transaction initiation and resubmit the request
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2005I CPMT - Program
program name newcopy
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to load a new copy of the program was successful.
- System action: A new copy of the program is loaded
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2006I CPMT - Program
program name phasein
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to load a new copy of the named program by user
user-id at terminal
terminal-id was successful. The new copy will be used for all new requests.
- System action: A new copy of the program is being phased in
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2007I CPMT - Program
program name private
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as private was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2008I CPMT - Program
program name shared
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as shared was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2009I CPMT - Program
program name dplsubset
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as dplsubset was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2010I CPMT - Program
program name fullapi
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as fullapi was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2011I CPMT - Program
program name cedf
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as cedf was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2012I CPMT - Program
program name nocedf
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as nocedf was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2013I CPMT - Program
program name is disabled
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as disabled was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2014I CPMT - Program
program name is enabled
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request to mark the program as enabled was successful.
- System action: None
- User response: None
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2016I Program
program name is not currently loaded
- Description: Program has not been loaded. The full name cannot be displayed until it has been accessed.
- System action: None
- User response: Do a NEWCOPY or PHASEIN command and repeat this inquiry
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2018W CPMT invalid request (request) for program
program name at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request for the program was not recognized. It may be OPen, CLose, ENable, DIsable, or INquire. Only the first two characters of the request are examined by the program. The request is not case sensitive.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2019W CPMT program
program name not found
terminal-id, user
- Description: The program was not found. The program name is case sensitive on some platforms.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2020E CPMT request not authorized for program
program name at
terminal-id, user
- Description: The request for the program is not authorized.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input or consult the security administrator.
- Module: dfhzcpmt
- AM2021E CPMT program
program name unexpected response (EIBRESP)
terminal-id, user
- Description: The requested action for the program resulted in an unexpected API response.
- System action: The request is ignored
- User response: Correct the input and resubmit
- Module: dfhzcpmt