By default the casrdtex utility exports the resource definitions in IBM assembler macro format using the default dfhurdex exit. However, by overriding the default exit with the dfhurdexxml exit (with the /ue command line option), the resource definitions are exported in an XML format. You use this in the second step of the migration process.
casrdtex /v /ue:dfhurdexxml /ip.\ /oc:\mydir\esdefs.xml /i /g /x /e /l /s /f /d /z /t /y /m
casrdtex /v /ue:dfhurdexxml /ip.\ /oc:\mydir\esdefs.xml /i /g /x /e /l /s /f /d /z /t /y /m
For example, to convert the intermediate XML file from the previous step's example, use the following command.
seerdfconv.exe -in:c:\mydir\esdefs.xml -out:ResourceDefinitions.config
The resulting file, ResourceDefinitions.config, can be used as anEnterprise Server for .NET resource definitions file.