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Generate DDL Tool Error Messages

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.

This topic describes the error messages that are related to the Generate DDL tool.

Error Message Description or Cause Resolution
An unexpected error has occurred. Please report the following error to Micro Focus Support: A generic error flag followed by a specific message. See the following specific message for information.
Commit exception type: Error in commit of DDL generation. See the following message for details.
Connection failed The target database connection failed. Make sure the user ID and password correct.
Encountered problem reading source database schema Error in reading the schema file. See the preceding message for details.
Encountered problem during file/path checks Error in the specified file name or path. Check the specified file name and path.
Encountered problem reading XML mappings Error in reading the mapping file. Check the specified file name and path.
Encountered problem writing DDL command file Error in writing the DDL file. Check the file folder existence and WRITE permission.
Following required parameter is missing A required parameter is not provided Provide the specified parameter value
Invalid command line parameter The specified parameter value is empty or out of range. Assign a proper value to the parameter.
Invalid number of arguments The command line has no arguments. Add the required arguments to the command line.
Invalid DDL output directory Error in creating the DDL file directory. Check the file directory existence and WRITE permission.
Invalid XML mapping input file Error in reading the DDL file. Check the file existence and READ permission.
Invalid XML schema input file Error in reading the schema file. Check the file existence and READ permission.
No list files found. You must have at least one list file to create scripts. The original list file has been deleted or renamed. Recreate the list file or delete the current task.
Rollback exception type: Error in rollback of DDL generation. See the message for details.
The process does not have the READ permission to the file The process does not have READ permission to the specific file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission.
The process does not have the WRITE permission to the file The process does not have WRITE permission to the specific file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission.
Unable to create DDL output file Error in creating the DDL file. Check the file directory existence and WRITE permission.
Unable to create export file: Unable to create the specified export file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission on the directory.
Unable to delete export file: Unable to delete the specified export file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user DELETE permission on the file.
Unable to delete task file: Error in deleting the task file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user DELETE permission.
Unable to read list file: Unable to read the specified list file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission on the file.
Unable to read script file: Unable to read the specified script file. Check the file existence. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user READ permission on the file.
Unable to return to previous task file Unable to set the previous task. The previous file is either missing or renamed. Recreate the task file.
Unable to write list file: Unable to write the specified script file. Depending on the security policy of the organization, the resolution can be either Run as Administrator or Grant the user WRITE permission on the directory.
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