Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
Mainframe Programming
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
PSB Error Messages
Messages PSBUT0401 to PSBUT0453
Messages PSBUT0401 to PSBUT0453
PSBUT0401W More than one PSBGEN macro, all but the first ignored
PSBUT0402W PCB(%3%) %8, TYPE=%8 invalid, assumed TYPE=DB
PSBUT0403W Invalid PCB PROCOPT "%6", assumed PROCOPT "%4"
PSBUT0404W PCB(%3%) %8, SENSEG %8 PROCOPT operand ignored. SENSEG PROCOPT must be omitted when PCB PROCOPT is %4
PSBUT0405W Unknown keyword %8 for %8 ignored
PSBUT0406 PCB #%3% %8, SENSEG %8 PROCOPT=%4 invalid.
PSBUT0407W PCBNAME or label %8 is not unique. This parameter has been ignored for PCB #%3% in PSB %8
PSBUT0451W PCB(%3%) %8, an I/O PCB will not be created when this PSB is used in a CICS program or an IMS program defined as a type DLI
PSBUT0452W PCB(%3%) %8, insert calls not allowed to INDEX DBD, ACBGEN will remove insert sensitivity
PSBUT0453W PCB(%3%) %8, SENSEG %8 must have sensitivity to sequence field for inserts using field level sensitivity
Parent topic:
PSB Error Messages