Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
Mainframe Programming
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
MFS Error Messages
Messages MFSUT0801 to MFSUT0845
Messages MFSUT0801 to MFSUT0845
MFSUT0801E MSG(%8) has TYPE=%6, must be INPUT or OUTPUT
MFSUT0802E MSG(%8) missing required SOR operand
MFSUT0803E MFLD indicates no DFLD, literal or LTH
MFSUT0804E MFLD JUST must be R or L
MFSUT0805E MFLD EXIT number %5% exceeds maximum value of 127. MFLD: %50%
MFSUT0806E MFLD EXIT vector %5% exceeds maximum value of 255. MFLD: %50%
MFSUT0807E MSG(%8), SEG EXIT number %5% exceeds maximum of 127
MFSUT0808E MSG(%8), SEG EXIT vector %5% exceeds maximum of 255
MFSUT0809E MSG(%8), LPAGE missing required SOR operand
MFSUT0810E MSG(%8), COND operand has %3% parameters, requires 3
MFSUT0811E MSG(%8), LPAGE COND operand missing, only last LPAGE in MOD may omit COND
MFSUT0812E LPAGE COND label %8 not an MFLD label in MOD %8
MFSUT0813E DO COUNT is not numeric
MFSUT0814E DO/ENDDO pair mismatch
MFSUT0815E First STACK parameter must be blank, ON, or OFF
MFSUT0816E Cannot start STACK before ending previous STACK
MFSUT0817E UNSTACK cannot appear within a STACK
MFSUT0818E UNSTACK requested unknown stack name %8
MFSUT0819E COPY statement missing required NAME parameter
MFSUT0820E COPY member %8 not found
MFSUT0821E DPAGE CURSOR column specification "%8" not numeric. Valid forms are CURSOR=name or CURSOR=(rrr,ccc,name)
MFSUT0822E DFLD %8 not preceded by DEV statement
MFSUT0823E DFLD literals cannot have a label starting in column 1
MFSUT0824E DFLD literals must be bound by single quotes
MFSUT0825E DFLD requires non-zero POS row and column
MFSUT0826E 3270 DFLD cannot start in row 1, column 1
MFSUT0827E DFLD %8, POS column value %3% exceeds DEV width value %4%
MFSUT0828E DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 model 1 maximum value of 40
MFSUT0829E DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 models 2,3,4 maximum value of 80
MFSUT0830E DFLD %8, POS column value %4% exceeds 3270 model 5 maximum value of 132
MFSUT0831E DFLD requires a literal, PASSWORD, or LTH
MFSUT0832E Duplicate DFLD label %8. Labels must be unique within DPAGE and physical page
MFSUT0833E FMT %6 contains no DFLDs. Verify that STACK and MODEL directives are properly set, or correct the format
MFSUT0834E Attribute for DFLD at row %2, col %3% overlaps prior field
MFSUT0835E DFLD at row %2, col %3% overlaps prior field
MFSUT0836E FMT %6, DPAGE %8, PPAGE %4 contains no DFLDs
MFSUT0837E DFLD %8 row value %4% exceeds 3270 model %1% maximum value of %2%
MFSUT0838E LPAGE COND relational operator "%2" invalid
MFSUT0839E DFLD %8 not preceded by DEV statement
MFSUT0840E MOD %8, FMT %8, DPAGE %8, could not find FMT or DPAGE for MOD/LPAGE selected or FMT or DPAGE contains no DFLD statements
MFSUT0841E MFLD LTH %5% is not larger than attribute bytes %5%. MFLD: %50%
MFSUT0842E DFLD PASSWORD cannot have a label starting in column 1
MFSUT0843E Required label missing for MSG statement
MFSUT0844E MFLD ATTR value "%14" not YES, NO, or number of extended attributes
MFSUT0845E DFLD ATTR value "%14" not YES, NO, or number of extended attributes
Parent topic:
MFS Error Messages