Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
Mainframe Programming
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
DBD Error Messages
Messages DBDUT0W01 to DBDUT0W19
Messages DBDUT0W01 to DBDUT0W19
DBDUT0W01W Nested COPY statements are not supported by MFIMS: %50%
DBDUT0W03W MFIMS statement continuation overflow, extras ignored. Maximum number of lines per statement is %2%
DBDUT0W04W SEGM %8, SSPTR not supported by MFIMS, SSPTR ignored
DBDUT0W06W Segment %8, field %8 length %5% exceeds MFIMS SSA/FSA limit of %3%, length reduced to %3%
DBDUT0W08W XDFLD %8, EXTRNCBL %8 operand no longer required
DBDUT0W09W Segment %8, RULES=HERE for logical children is not supported by MFIMS, RULES changed to LAST
does not support the RULES=HERE clause on a SEGM statement for logical children. The RULES=HERE clause has been changed to RULES=LAST.
DBDUT0W10W Segment %8, RULES=HERE on a root segment is not supported by MFIMS, RULES changed to LAST
DBDUT0W11W MFIMS IMS86KEY extension specified for segment %8 field %8
DBDUT0W13W MFIMS does not support asynchronous data capture, EXIT option for %8 changed from LOG to NOLOG
DBDUT0W14W MFIMS does not support asynchronous data capture, EXIT parameter name "*" ignored
DBDUT0W15W Variable GSAM RECORD value missing minimum length, MFIMS assuming minimum length 1
DBDUT0W16W Unknown statement "%8" ignored, unsupported by MFIMS
DBDUT0W17W DBDGEN VERSION truncated to MFIMS maximum 128 bytes
DBDUT0W18W Comment line continuation has non-blanks in columns 1-15, MFIMS assumes blank: %15%
DBDUT0W19W Duplicate keys for secondary index %8 not supported by MFIMS for DOS/VS ACCESS=HD database, index assumed unique. See Technical Reference "For the DBA" chapter.
Parent topic:
DBD Error Messages