Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
Mainframe Programming
IMS Support
IMS Error Messages
DBD Error Messages
Messages DBDUT0801 to DBDUT0882
Messages DBDUT0801 to DBDUT0882
DBDUT0801E SEGM macro not preceded by DBD macro. DBD macro must be first statement in DBD source
DBDUT0802E DBD macro missing required NAME operand
DBDUT0803E HDAM or DEDB database missing required RMNAME operand
DBDUT0804E PARENT segment %8 for segment %8 not previously defined in this database
DBDUT0805E Source segment %8 for XDFLD %8 not defined
DBDUT0806E SEGM macro missing required NAME operand
DBDUT0807E Missing required DBDGEN statement
DBDUT0808E SEGM %8 has missing or invalid BYTES operand
DBDUT0809E SEGM %8, minimum bytes (%5%) exceeds maximum bytes (%5%)
DBDUT0810E DEDB root segment %8, field %8 not unique
DBDUT0811E Non-related MSDB segment %8, field %8 not unique
DBDUT0812E INDEX DBD segment %8 must contain a sequence field. Field %8 not a sequence field
DBDUT0813E FIELD macro not preceded by SEGM macro
DBDUT0814E Segment %8, FIELD macro missing required NAME operand
DBDUT0815E SEGM %8, FIELD %8, contains invalid data in name parameter, 3rd operand %1
DBDUT0816E DEDB sequential dependent segment %8 contains invalid sequence field %8
DBDUT0817E SEGM %8, FIELD %8 contains invalid data in name parameter, 2nd operand %4 not SEQ
DBDUT0818E Segment %8, sequence field %8 must be first field after SEGM for IMS/ESA compatibility. Use system config, IBM DLI PLATFORM setting for DOS/VS syntax
DBDUT0819E COPY statement missing required name parameter
DBDUT0820E COPY member %8 not found
DBDUT0821E Segment %8, field %8 not unique
DBDUT0822E Segment %8, field %8 packed length cannot exceed 16 bytes
DBDUT0823E Segment %8, field %8, BYTES operand missing or invalid
DBDUT0824E Segment %8, field %8 missing required START operand
DBDUT0825E Field %8 extends beyond segment maximum size of %5%, field start %5%, length %5%
DBDUT0826E Segment name %8 not unique within this DBD
DBDUT0827E %8 ACCESS type requires DATASET DD1 operand when DATASET does not have a label
DBDUT0828E DATASET SCAN value of %5%, exceeds maximum of 255
DBDUT0829E DATASET FRSPC (free block frequency) of %5% must be in range of zero to 100, but not 1
DBDUT0830E DATASET FRSPC percentage of %3% must be in range of 0 to 99
DBDUT0832E MSDB missing required DATASET REL operand
DBDUT0833E Only 1 SEGM statement allowed in MSDB database
DBDUT0834E SEGM %8 missing required PARENT operand
DBDUT0835E Segment %8, length %6% exceeds maximum segment length of 32760
DBDUT0836E Segment %8 level is deeper than 15, parent segment %8
DBDUT0837E DBD ACCESS %8 does not support Virtual segments
DBDUT0838E LCHILD missing required segment NAME operand
DBDUT0839E LCHILD segment operand %8 missing required DBD NAME operand in index DBD
DBDUT0840E LCHILD PAIR operand not supported with ACCESS %8
DBDUT0841E XDFLD statement not supported with ACCESS %8
DBDUT0842E GSAM DATASET macro missing required RECFM operand
DBDUT0843E Missing required DBD macro statement
DBDUT0844E SEGM statement not found, DBD requires at least one
DBDUT0845E Paired segment %8 not found in DBD or occurred more than once
DBDUT0846E Index DBD can contain only one LCHILD statement
DBDUT0847E Index DBD missing required LCHILD statement
DBDUT0848E XDFLD missing required NAME operand
DBDUT0849E XDFLD %8 missing required SRCH operand
DBDUT0850E XDFLD %8 precedes SEGM statement and is missing SEGMENT operand
DBDUT0851E XDFLD %8 has more than 5 SUBSEQ fields
DBDUT0852E XDFLD %8 has more than 5 DDATA fields
DBDUT0853E XDFLD %8 has more than 5 SRCH fields
DBDUT0854E LCHILD %8, XDFLD %8, key length %4% exceeds maximum CONST,SRCH,SUBSEQ length of 240
DBDUT0855E XDFLD %8, SEGMENT %8 not defined in database
DBDUT0856E XDFLD %8, SRCH field %8 not in source segment %8
DBDUT0857E XDFLD %8, DDATA field %8 not in source segment %8
DBDUT0858E XDFLD %8, source segment %8, DDATA field %8 cannot be a /SX field
DBDUT0859E XDFLD %8, SUBSEQ field %8 not in source segment %8
DBDUT0860E XDFLD %8, target segment %8 not parent of source segment %8
DBDUT0862E Sequence field %8 in root segment %8 must be unique for database type %8
DBDUT0863E GSAM minimum record length exceeds maximum for RECFM=V
DBDUT0865E SEGM statement limit of 255 exceeded
DBDUT0866E FIELD statement limit of 1000 exceeded
DBDUT0867E Segment %8, key sequence field %8, length %4% exceeds maximum
DBDUT0868E Virtual logical child segment %8 not referenced by an LCHILD PAIR statement
DBDUT0869E Paired (real) logical child segment %8 missing logical PARENT specification
DBDUT0870E DBD statement missing required ACCESS operand
DBDUT0871E MSDB missing required DATASET REL operand
DBDUT0872E XDFLD has no preceding LCHILD statement
DBDUT0873E Sequence field %8, start %5%, length %5% extends beyond SEGM minimum size of %5% bytes
DBDUT0874E Segment %8, sequence field %8 invalid, only 1 sequence field allowed for this segment type
DBDUT0875E Segment %8, field %8, START value %8 not numeric or names a field which is not defined for this SEGM
DBDUT0876E EXIT parameter is not allowed with ACCESS of %8
DBDUT0877E Logical SEGM %8 missing required SOURCE operand
DBDUT0878E Segment %8, hierarchy sequence error
DBDUT0879E First ACCESS statement must precede first SEGM
DBDUT0880E ACCESS statement contains mutually exclusive keywords RMRTN and REF
DBDUT0881E ACCESS statement only valid with DBD ACCESS=HD
DBDUT0882 Segment FIELD statement limit of 255 exceeded
Parent topic:
DBD Error Messages